A suggestion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HNDRXX, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. There should be an item that unloads for you I get tired of that button 
  2. We should be able to open the app and automatically gain all the money and items we woulda made all day, then we wont have to do the work ourselves
  3. Ew real work, das scary.
  4. Grow a pair of cajones
  5. Well excuse my opinions
  6. Well that's what make work fun plus easy money don't stay for too long
  8. Wow such a new and refreshing idea, why hasn't anybody though of this before?
  9. Because people are stupid
    Arse likes this.
  10. Tbh i am still waiting for massive unload button to happen
  11. It'll never happen. 1) it removes what little "gameplay" exists when it comes to parties 2) it makes it too easy to pin if someone starts hitting you 3) it's just plain laziness
  12. some times we get lazy doe :(
  13. Tapping repeat action builds character