Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by triqity, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. This is also on my wall but for more people to see and spread the joy, I'll post this here are my first THREAD ?

    Our emotions and communication are not dinosaurs... because Kindness is not EXTINCT.

    There's nothing wrong with complimenting people you don't know. You could be the only person that's ever complimented them or told them they were appreciated. I love you, pretty, beautiful, amazing, handsome, and more. These words are not told to everyone, everyday, some probably haven't even experienced the moment to be told they are loved. So go tell someone in the game or irl how much you appreciate or love them. :)

    Ok peace! Keep the Joy! :D
  2. Do you mean your first thread? Because you have 31 posts.
  3. I dig the positivity.
  4. 3 random acts of kindness per day level wholesomeness.
  5. I compliment people all the time
  6. Um stop being mean and spread positivity as the thread said
  7. Stop being mean to me for being mean ty :(
  8. So much for being positive aye op?

    Blocked me cuz you can't handle being called a hippie ?
  9. just states someone a hippie for giving positive feedback or a comment? That's not cool. I have nothing against hippies it's just like wowe. Can't never spread positivity without being called something ? but it's ok. ?

    Block the negativity, IDC about what you call me. :)
  10. bLoCk thE NegAtivItY
  11. Yup