A Plea for More Masculine Male Avatars: A Disheartened Perspective

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Groove, Aug 26, 2024.


Do you think male avatars are feminine?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Hi there everyone 👋🏻

    So, this message is for the developers and designers of pimd in particular...

    As a long-time player of Party in My Dorm, I've witnessed the evolution of the game in various aspects, from gameplay mechanics to the design of in-game items. However, I feel compelled to address a growing concern that I believe resonates with many players—specifically, the increasingly feminine appearance of male avatars in recent hunts.

    When I first joined PIMD, one of the aspects that drew me in was the diversity and distinctiveness of the avatars. The male avatars, in particular, exuded a sense of masculinity that aligned with various character archetypes. These avatars had a strong, defined presence that I could relate to, and they added to the overall appeal of the game for a broad audience.

    However, in the past few years, there has been a noticeable shift in the design of male avatars. Many of the new avatars have adopted more overtly feminine features. While I fully support and appreciate diversity in character design, I find myself disheartened by the lack of traditionally masculine options that were once a staple in the game.

    I believe that avatar diversity is essential, and it’s fantastic to see PIMD catering to various tastes and styles. However, I would like to request that future hunts include male avatars that retain the masculine qualities many of us cherished in the early years of PIMD.

    I urge the design team to consider this feedback as a call to bring back the balance that once existed. Let’s celebrate all forms of expression in PIMD, but not at the cost of losing what made the game special for so many players.

    ~ Groove

    PS - Apologies for lack of images, I am unaware of how to add images 🙏🏻
    TL, DR - Dear Devs and Designers,
    Male Avatars are more and more feminine in recent hunts for the past few years, Change is needed, do something about it.
  2. As someone who has also been playing PIMD for a long time, I completely agree with what Groove has said. The diversity in avatar designs was always one of the game’s strengths, but I’ve noticed the same trend toward more feminine features in male avatars. While I appreciate the effort to create inclusive designs, I miss the balance we used to have with more traditionally masculine options.

    Having a range of styles is great, but it feels like there’s been a shift away from the variety that made the game enjoyable for so many players. I would love to see future hunts include male avatars that bring back that strong, defined presence we used to see.
    sweetietweetie, No, Is and 1 other person like this.
  3. I honestly complain about this a lot. There’s also imo far many more flamboyant Avis than more trad masc ones 😂
    Lite and sweetietweetie like this.
  4. I echo this sentiment. I'm a newer player but I just want an Avi that depicts a range of men, not the same type recycled. I'm struggling to see a lot of diversity in the male avis.

    Tldr; let me have an Avi with a Dad bod PLEASE.
    No and DanaDangerous like this.