Yup yup a noob club has declared war against me and won't back down... he says he's more of a man then me....... my response is, in 8hr there will be a 48hr locked roster war....... so come join me my warriors No Kcs limit.... all small and big stats welcomed... come war with your ninja......
It's an open invite for little guys who want to war... I don't need mercs dumb nuts my MF family is more then willing to beat up on the noobs.... but why have my 100+ kc's members beat up on 10kcs noobs?
Since this war is going to be easy for you this is what you do -Buy a hunting sword -go to the club owner -sacrifice his soul to the dark lords and delete his pimd account Have a wonderful day
Dark He should be careful who he lets have admin js Ninja we all no that's a lie u scared in war lmao
He was asking for low stat players as it was uneven and he didnt want to see a bunch of high kcs basically farming low kcs players. It was 150kcs and below on opp side compared to 400kcs and up on his side.