A New Era

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -BlueMoonKnight-, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. We have waged war against the ones called "RPers" and i would like to take the first step to push our war to Campus Chat, from now on if someone asks for RP i will be attacking, show your support and help me and soon Campus Chat will be once again, rp free
  2. #TeamThirsty
  3. #FarmBeggers
  4. 
  5. #GatoradeQuenchesThirst.
  6. the second post as well, no support for first post
  7. Btw- i think they will be DTW for you, considering your stats and that most of them are nearlya k cs
  8. ?i'm getting my alts involved. But only for thirsties. Rp is cool if it's legit. That's where i'm from. I used to rp quite a bit. 
  9. Ik they are, alts ftw
  10. LET'S GOO!
  11. Supportpm me i can help fund some small strips
  12. I was about to ask for rp
    I changed my mind :roll:
    Im shy now....
  13. I'm game 
  14. Op look at campus in 5 minutes