_Warrior Interview Phase 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Hexus (01), Aug 28, 2011.

  1.  I love you too!!!!!!!

    Ohhh his iPod was about to die.
  2. ^ Yes it is about to die.
  3.  charge time!!!!
  4. Why are you interviewing Warrior, "The Helper"?
  5. ;3 Your loved, Sophie xD
  6. Because this is the 2nd interview and it's a free country.
  7. Hi Sophie :3
  8. What's so funny? :|
  9. Ha what's so funny cookie?
  10. No, I'm just asking. Why him?
  11. Why who? If you're referring to warrior it's because he is a big part of the community.
  12. Ah, that's an opinion, my friend. Say, Cookie, can I interview you?
  13. What's your opinion on Sexting?
  14. Lol rose
  15. You guys got jokes.

  16. Candy heart stop being a know it all you seem jealous that it's warrior and not you,leave if you don't like the interview then don't post here.