
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Smoke_Weed_Everyday, Oct 1, 2013.

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  1. I challenge you to. 1 vs 1, you want to farm me for something you stated as a lcbc, come to my stats and lets dance little girl. Think your big and bad? Come on to my stats, start a club and lets do a 12 hour war, fair war, me and you. How come you won't accept my challenge? Scared of little old me? 
  2. Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah.
  3. Kyle you're an idiot
  4. Why would someone drop stats to satisfy someones need to whine? Maybe my mind isn't capable of thinking.of a reason.
  5. Lame. SHOULDA ADDED MORE HEART INTO IT. And some mainstream crap like.

    "COME AT ME!!"

    "You mad, girl?"

    "Do you even lift"


    That crap never gets old.
  6. Remember Kyle only hits people weaker than him
  7. How? I challenge a "badass"? If I'm such an idiot how come she keeps saying no? If she wants to farm, lets for real instead of me being 1/4 health unloadin on her and still get some hits through  she won't take my challenge on her wall, so lets see how much guts you got now with everyone seeing you decline my challenge 
  8. I'm sure she's farming you. Why 1v1 she's still whoopin that ass!
  9. I would still decline, and go like

    "You are a thousand years too noobish, come at me in 9000 years, when you have completed your training, young Jedi!"
  10.  Jen, your very own fan thread 
  11. I don't hit weaker people  I hit that one dude and he retuned hits, pretty much bl  if she wants to play as a badass and wants everyone to treat her like one, lets see what she gots, if she dosnt accept we all know what she really is 
  12. because you're probably a nuisance, Just because someone declins your courageous "offer" doesn't make them scared. You're clearly talking out of your ass lol. Now cry elsewhere.

    I know this thread has nothing to do with me, but I must HOG ALL THA SPOTLIGHT.
  14. Whoa I ain't crying I'm challenging a lcbc to a war, if she wants to be a badass then lets see what she has, she wants to farm over something she starts, then lets play 
  15. Like I said she's already farming you. You're loosing. She drops stats her tb is still bigger. You lose. Your ass is getting bear. Go home your mamas waitin for ya
  16. Why a war?

    Shes not farming you for plunder or war tax 
  17.  support 
    Farm the bitch 
    Lol I have no idea who you're talking about but yah farm her 
    Make her Remember that she belongs in da kitchen 
  18. I'm just kidding guys don't take it seriously and have a bitch fit 
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