420 avatars

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Alcoholic, Mar 24, 2023.

  1. Because 420 is coming up. I’m in the mood to get some avatars with either a bong or joint in hand. Something to show off the 420 spirit.
    j0rdan, Gatubela, KEE and 3 others like this.
  2. i mean… it’d line up perfectly for after easter hunt 😳 idk if they’d be able to show the paraphernalia (they did have a booze hunt but idk) but having obviously stoner avis like the guy in the rainbow hunt would be fun… 👉🏻👈🏻
    Seriously and PineappleOreos like this.
  3. Best start creating your own app then
  4. They wont tho coz they know kids play this game so still have to keep it relatively kid friendly
    Lumi and LeeJarrett like this.
  5. Support. They talk about being inclusive.
  6. With April fools day coming I’d like clown avatars to represent the player base