
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Goldialocks, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. Well, it's July now, and I like to reminisce about the past, and because I'm in a sappy, un-me-ish-like mood, here. Here's a damn shoutout thread, like the two other ones I made in the past, except this one probably has more people in it. .-.

    I remember starting out as a noob. A babyish noob. A noob with a terrible vocabulary that had to resort to using 'u nd me r so totes bleh' speak. And... Since I don't have a name for it and since I REFUSE to call it 'cool kid talk' unless it's used for sarcasm, there. A sad, pitiful attempt at making up a name for that kind of 'talk'.

    There's a lot of people I'd like to point out in this thread. This totally lame, horrible, not-really sincere thread. (just kidding. If you weren't there for me, I'd probably still be a noob. Like, a terrible noob. A bad bad bad noob.)

    And each person might get like a mini-thread paragraph. And mini-thread paragraphs are long, so if you continued reading until the end... KUDOS TO YOU. (AKA you have no life. And I totally respect you for that. And I'm joking. Since you have a better life than I do. I mean, you don't snail on your bed 24/7, right?)

    ILLEGALLY DOWNLOADING II! My first club, that I bitched about on forums 24/7 to declare my love for because I really really liked all of its members.

    Matthuot AKA -Herobrine-: You're a douche, you know that? A sexy, bro-like, friendly douche with this 'I'mtotesawesome' aura around you. I think that's what made me want to slap you in the face so bad. I'm jelly, bro. Extra jelly. *insertehmergerdfacehere*

    Mia: I'm bad with digits. Even if they're like 7 digits, I still can't remember them. :c

    We don't talk much, but I miss you. You're one of the people I got to know most in ID2, and I'm thankful for that. Since I forgot almost all of our chats, I'm just going to say I love you and let you kick me in the crotch for not remembering all the fun times we had. Liksrsly.


    One of the best club owners. Ever. You're funny, and some of your funny rubbed off on me. Except my humor creeps people out and it makes them avoid me. And I don't make jokes, since whenever I do, they don't make sense. But whatever. Because they just have extra jelly rolls and wish they could be totally awesome like me. :c

    Qurshay: You still owe me a sammich. Duhrp.

    I don't remember most of you, due to my lack of memorization skills. Either that or I didn't put you in here on purpose. Likduhr.

    But no. Most of you were totally cool to hang out with, and I'll miss talking to you. Except for you, Matt, since you basically haunt my PIMD life. ._.

    The people I can think of on top of my tiny head:

    PeacefulBlizzy: Lol. You are an awesome, funny, friendly dude. I know things have been awkward between us, but you really are. Continue being awesome and spread your amazingness on forums. Yes, I know I'm making you strain your eyes, but hey! At least I didn't use ivory. >:c

    -SBO-ShanMonster: Ermergerdcookies—

    You deal with my shit. I like that. <3

    No. Really. Whenever I have problems, I bitch to you. I know I'm difficult, and I really appreciate you helping me sort out my personal problems and stuff. I know it's not your priority and I don't want to suffocate you with my constant complaints, but you're awesome. Really. You're someone I look up to, and my life wouldn't be the same without you<3

    RavynSuPham, AKA -SBO-CheeseCakeMonster: Lol I love you. Along with Foxaii. Everytime I pop up in pal, you two are the first I glomp/rape in group chat. I mean... Who doesn't like Chloe-hugs? ;D

    We're all into the choking thing, folks. *insertcreepyfacehereplz*

    You're also one of the people I bitch to, and you're also one of the closest people I know. Along with Foxaii. And a bunch of people. Because you two areliketotallyawesometogetherandmakeareallysexypair—

    You're a wonderful, friendly person with a very beautiful personality. That's some of the many many things I love about you. ^.^

    Don't leave me, Phammie. ;c I hide you in the closet for your own fucking good. >:c

    Rise_Of_The_Fox: ERMERGERD FOXAII. Another person I bitch to. You're the person I talk to whenever I'm bored, because when Phammie, you and I get together, shit happens. Especially in chat when I bring out the creepy bear hugs. Again, who doesn't want a creepy bear hug? *twitch*

    You're an amazing writer, friend, person, and I have a whole list I can use to continue on and on and on—

    Needless to say, you're one of the reasons I'm still touching my iDevice. (Thatsoundedwrongunintentionallorintentionally:c)

    Happiness_Sadness: Likely chance you're not going to read this.

    ... I take that back. I'm going to spam your PM until you reply. ;D

    Even though I haven't been talking to you lately (and you need to pinch me in the eye for that), I love you. I really do. I want you to know that. Without you in my life, I probably wouldn't still be going on and on doing boring things and all that. Qinny-foo, again, I'm going to say, I love you.

    I even wrote a short poem for you!

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue.
    You probably won't care,
    And that's why I love you.


    No. Seriously. Who doesn't love Qinster?<3

    Zoey AKA MsChocolatte (OhGodyourfancyname:c):

    You're my non-blood tied sissy. Like, my sissy from another missy, my sister from another mister... Basically we're not related at all.

    I call you scumbag bitch, and you call me bitch scumbag! In that casual way to tell eachother we're going to be completely rude yet loving whenever we chat. I mean...

    Duh. Do you really expect me to be polite to her? This woman's crazy. :0

    And I mean that in a very good way. Don't worry, buddy. I've got your back. You're one of the people I'm not afraid to reveal my face to (even at 11AM, the earliest time I wake up during summer when I look and feel like shit) video chatting.

    Pah. You know I love you already<33


    Danzo: Seafood ramen. Nothing you can say, will change that. And I MEAN NOTHING. >:c

    I just put you here for fun. ^.^ You're a funny person and the painting you showed me was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Sometimes I wish I was skilled with paint, but I'm not. And that's probably all I'm going to say about you, since I'm still pissed you chose chicken over ramen and always will. ,_,


    Buddy: I'm not going to bother writing your whole username. .-.


    No. You really need to get more pokemanz game, broski. .-. The remakes are one of my suggestions, since Sinnoh was one of the worst mistakes made by the damn company.

    Anyway... OH ALMIGHTY MEME KING. Indulge me with your funny pictures. I miss them. :c

    Awesome person, and I'm expecting more memes from you. Or else I'll stuff you in the cubby along with the other sharp objects I put in there just for these purposes only. .-.

    And... Post on forums, man. >:c

    Royale: I called you Grandpa Roybutt, and I still do.

    Like, ermergerd. You're an awesome writer and words can't even be used to explain how awesome you are. I know I've been using the word 'awesome' for over ten times now, but really. That's the best I can do. .-. I give you full permission to slap me in the face for not bringing out my dictionary of wonders.

    You're a funny guy, Roybutt. A very funny guy. Now get your ass off of your computer and play PiMD!

    Or Jeff will catch you.

    Now... Go to sleep. *insertserialkillerfacehereplz*

    (Lol. Jeff still creeps me out. The fact that he cut his own eyelids still disturbs me. I accidentally clicked 'enlarge' on the youtube video, and fell off my seat. *shudders*)

    You still with me, people? Good.

    Sasuke Uchiha: No, I can't even write your username. That's how bad I am with usernames.

    I refuse to call you Sasuke. Instead, I call you Sasu-chan. Because it's cute, and it's intended for a little girl, which I know secretly pisses you off.


    I bitch to you about Naruto. And I was appalled to know that you didn't even know that there was a Naruto movie coming out, even though you had that as your name. .-. I don't blame you though. Took me ten minutes to fully comprehend the trailer before I squealed in this really girly, un-proper manner because Sasuke was trying to—

    I'm not going to spoil it for you. >:c

    Anyway. Continue with your story thread. It's pretty amusing to read. c:

    OliviaAnna: Oh God, I'm so sorry for not getting in contact with you lately. You're an amazing person and I enjoyed baking cocaine cakes with you. I EVEN MADE A NEW RECIPE FOR US TO TRY OUT. :c

    But since I'm too shy and I'm worried about what you'd think about me, I kept quiet. But I promise, after this thread's posted, I'm going to reach out to you and give you a bear hug of my own.

    Cocaine cakes<3

    I love you Olivia<33

    Jihi: I still owe you a tepig. Two tepigs, really.

    But because I lost my Black *cuefacetrain*, I can't. BUT I WILL. I promise. Thanks so much for the Beldum, Zorua and Bagon eggs. They're in my White atm, which I also lost *cuefacegroinandpaintsplatter*—


    But when I get my hands on them, I promise I will fucking play until my fingers burn off. *insertdeterminedandinsaneAshKetchumtrainerfacehere*

    Teehee. Ketchum. Sounds like 'Catch 'em'. Fits well with other stuff like 'Jigglypuffs' and 'Squirtle' that make my giggle. *dirtyminded*

    I love you, and your ultimate trainer ways. Indulge me with your fucking awesomeness. *insertdeterminedandinsaneAshKetchumfacehereplz*

    P.S. You looked sexy in your Pikapi costume. <333



    I miss you. I really do. I love you, even though we haven't really spoken to eachother much. But-

    NUNUNU DON'T STOP READING— (wellyouprobablyevenaren'treading)

    I promise I'll try to talk to everybody I know and love more from now on<3

    More weed brownies and cocaine cakes. *insertermergerddruggiefaceplz

    You're an awesome person to be around. Incredibly friendly, and those chats we had were filled with red hearts and fluffy stickers I stuck on myself. Miss you, with lotsa love, Chloe. Or G. Or any other name you people have for me. .-. <3


    Dawn: OMFG I LOVE YOU. >:c

    I do. I really do. <3 You're like this person I gossip with. *ermergerdface* Well, not gossip. More like giggle about obvious things going on around forums and shit. I mean... What are buddies for? We send eachother pictures and flash eachother with terrible puns.

    ... Wait... I haven't done the latter yet?


    Meh. I'm too tired. I mean, when you're having too much fun... Time flies by like an arrow!

    And fruits fly like a banana. e.e

    Oh well. LOVE YOU.<3

    Phia-D-Doll: DON'T THINK I DIDN'T REMEMBER YOU SOPHIE. We don't talk much, but I still miss you. Gosh, I really need to contact the people I miss more, or else they'll think I don't care about them. No, I really do care about you, even though I'm horrible at showing it. ._.

    You're an amazing artist, person, and writer. Everything you do is awesome. I know I'm fumbling with words and putting 'amazing' and 'awesome' in every single paragraph, but you're a person I look up to. Since my noob years to now. Love you Sophie<3




    I shat bricks when you came back. ._.

    You're a witty and amazing guy (I DIDN'T USE THE WORD AWESOME THIS TIME) and you're skilled in arguments. TEACH ME YOUR WAYS, SENSEI. D:

    No. But really. You're an amazing person (AHA DIDN'T USE AWESOME AGAIN) and forums was dull without you, even though I was still a noob when you reigned.

    You're a friendly teddy bear. And I would give you a Chloe bear hug, but due to protests and people grabbing my arms and forcing me into place, I can't give you one. :c

    Plus, I'd probably give you bruises all over your body if I did. *insertserialkillerfacehereplz*



    I gave you a bear hug once, while you were asleep. :>

    Too bad you choked and made me run back inside your closet.

    But... Don't worry, our love will never be hidden. *insertcrazyfacehereplz*

    Lol. Seriously though. You're a strong willed and intelligent person and one of the many people I love in SBO. <3

    Words cannot express how tired I am right now, so I'm just going to say 'Jada' twenty more times until my head falls off.



    Oh Gawd.

    Well, since I listed two other SBO members up there and due to the fact I don't know a lot of SBO members...


    I love you all? .-.

    (I do. I really do. .-.)

    SBO's a family. And this family's full of batshit crazy people. And I LOVE IT.

    The way it disbands those sexting clubs... How the members have sexy hair flips... Oh... Gawd... How their trolling techniques are so unique... *twitches*

    No, really. You guys are AMAZING. One of the best fucking clubs in PiMD. <3


    Fan Fiction:

    Don't tell me nobody cares about that forum. Because I do. And that's enough to let me know FF is still precious. ,_,

    This section is dedicated to TheAndi, MommaPie, PieSexual (are they the same people? There are a lot of pies, and I get confused easily. :c), Katie, MORDICI, and all the other amazing authors out there.

    All of you are amazing. I'm serious. I enjoy reading your works... And even though I'm harsh with my criticism, I really enjoy reading all of your oneshots, poems, and stories. All of you are amazing and have potential to become writers. Some of you just need to improve to achieve that goal. As a writer, I expect my fellow authors and myself to continue improving their works and adding more words into their vocabularies. FF is a community to me, and as people of that community, we do whatever we can to make it more enjoyable for the readers and the authors that stay there.

    I sound like a person that's being way too serious about such a small topic, but that's how I feel. I've been on FF for ALMOST a year now. I want to continue seeing awesome stories that pull me inside the world of literature.

    Meh. Oh well. Love you all<3

    Sorry if I missed anyone. If I did, Imma include you immediately. :0

    Ahhh... And to think, from CheekyChloe to Goldialocks. Shoot me in the esophagus. I don't deserve another name change. e.e

    Ah well. I don't expect you to read it all, but... yeah. I love you all. e.e

    The majority of forums anyway.

    And this is me, being sappy at... Like what? 2:27AM?

    Duhr. I'm going to regret writing this when I wake up. *passes out on floor with beer bottle in hand*

  2. Oh Gawd I forgot someone.

    x-Jane-x: ASIAN SISTAHHHHSSSS. You owe me my fucking chopsticks and my smile back. :c

    Just kidding. You don't owe me anything. I owe YOU, a wedding gift. Also one to Matt, but because I'm too tired to do nuthin', I'm just going to send you wallart when I wake up. Blah.

    I love you<3 Funny, with a wonderful and bright personality. Brighter than the sun. But don't get too near me right now, or I'll burn. And I mean BURN. And I might go blind because you're too sunny and happy-go-lucky. <3
  3. :) thanks! This made me hate and love you even more! 
  4. That required a long attention span. And I can't believe I read the whole thing without running around more than once. And I have no life. And Qin disappointed me. And good job. And awesome.
  5. FUTURE gurl
  6. Don't worry, Sasu-chan, the pink paint and glitter box is inside the closet! I won't tell anyone your dirty little secret!! ^.^
  7. Chloe, I think you've misunderstood. I don't like chicken more than ramen. I like chicken flavored ramen over seafood flavored ramen.
  8. 
  9. What bout my? Your rice buddy
  10. WTF dans
  11. I'm a slow reader .-. Just finished reading and there's already comments. 
  12. Go run around in circles more, Danzo. >.>

    oh, and Hill!

    Hill: You call me future girl because the calendar was flipped to 2013 in the counselor's lounge. .-.

    Lololololololololol. Not much to say about you, except you're a crazy motherfucker that prefers Spiderman over Batman. WHY DO YOU LIKE A SPANDEX WEARING SPIDER THAT SHOOTS WEBS OUT OF HIS FINGERS? D:

    Meh. You're a cool guy, Hill. I wonder where the fuck your threads are at. MAKE MOAR.
  13. I thought he shot them out of his wrist.

  14. I appreciate that


    Spiderman whoops ass
  15. It's 2:43AM, Danzo. Spare my grammar. The beer bottle's broken in pieces and I can see the light. e.e

  17. Maybe in the future it is

    But here in 2012

    Spiderman is badass

    Get it chloe
  18. Oh yes, your supposed alcoholic and cocaine addicted life