<3 full of Pride

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Today marks a huge step forward for equally, compassion, and love.
    Share your Pride with this new gift!

    <3 full of Pride

    Congrats and Happy Pride
    Cost: 10 Cash
  2. ️
    Love wins.
  3. dont u mean G pride :)
  4. gift me 2 dont scam
  5. I love this so much?
  6. #LoveWins ?
  7. get rekt nub get deleted
  8. Cute! 
  10. So was you in my pm but u don't hear me complaining. :/
  11. Cmon why isn't this one 1000 ec like that one watch??? Wow. 
  12. I want some, too (≧∇≦)/