
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *xXxSomeoneToLovexXx (01), Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Im not trying to break rules. How come i got silenced for saying "f'en" ?
  2. Looks like you going to get silenced again.
  3. Im already perm silencdi dont get it
  4. I was only trying to show my bf how much i love him its not fare
  5. No she shouldn't because she didn't use it and direct it at someone! I don't think it's silenceable but I'm not not sure?
  6. You shouldn't have bypassed. If you can't type a word without it being censored, then you don't go around the system to make it seen.
  7. Yes I've had my fair share of silences huh neon?
  8. I didnt know. Honestly. I had no idea
  9. Well basically don't curse on campus. Don't bypass on forums. Don't be racist or prejudiced and you'll be alright. And don't spam. That's about it 
  10. You agree to follow the Terms of Use by playing the game. Perhaps you should read what you're agreeing to do. 
  11. It seems extra long for basically saying don't be an ass  ive never reAd it in its entirety but ive never been silenced either 
  12. I've read it multiple times. I know what I can and cannot do. It's a god thing to know.
  13. Good*

    I can't type today.