
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xDialgia136, Sep 13, 2011.

  1. ... anyone noticed that campus has gotten really boring just coz there's school... rofl too bad for Americans coz we Australians only have a few more days till school finish
  2. >_>

    It's because our summer is your winter. Duh.
  3. It's spring now...
  4. ._.

    Same thing. Our season is opposite to yours. PS. I'm chinese. 
  5. our spring is their autumn and our summer is their winter....
  6. Chloe I know ur chinese an azn knows another azn.. well most of the time
  7. Yeah. It's gunna be aussie season on PIMD. :3

    It's so exciting just to think about it!

    But my damn thoughts are always stupid. ._.
  8. :eek: azns aren't stupid it means ur lying
  9. What?

     I don't get it.
  10. Rofl if u haven't noticed many Asian parents don't like low subject grades.. which means there aren't much stupid Asians..
  11.  That's racist of you. And idiotic.

    Not all people function under one mind.
  12. If I'm being racist then I'm being racist to my own race...

  13. Yes. People can be racist to their own race. It might be you or the wording that made you sound racistz
  14. Can I be racist towards Canadians?
  15.  it's possible, but don't 
  16. Lol, dont worry, I was jk