1000 ways to get kicked out of a skating rink

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by M4GN1F1C3NT_BR34K3R, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. Get in a fight, make out with someone in front of the owners, push people...
  2. Steal everyones left skate and burn them all in the middle of the rink
  3. Drake that wont get u kicked out i do it all the time.....u really can't get kicked out of an skating rink...at least at mine....they don't care bout nothin
  4. Yell that u have a bomb and u want all your demands met or you will blow it up, Demand that they bring u... A green orange
  5. I've gotten kicked out of here some times to.:
    1- strip tease in the kids rink. 
    2- put glue on skates
    3- push kids backwards
    4- bring your cat
    5- bring a boombox and ride around with it on your shoulder. Love the boombox ^^
  6. You love to strip tease for those little kids don't you?
  7. Strip tease lol
  8. Pulling a gun and takin a person for hostage
  9. Punching a kid in the nose and making his nose bleed. Push over a little kid and tell them to move there a.s.s.e.s
  10. Throw banana peels everywhere
  11. Well, apparently Skate Rink owners dislike it when you bring your friend The Human Torch ice skating.... The ice in that place melts REALLY fast!