EVENT 🦃Thanksgiving Large - Replacement Post 🦃

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. [​IMG]

    Hi fam!
    The original Thanksgiving Large post somehow got deleted, so we've recreated it here for all those that are curious about old hunts!
    Special thanks to @GoddessHailey for calling that out!

    Here is the link to the Story Post for Thanksgiving Large!

    This hunt ran from 12PM PST November 16th, 2021 to 6AM PST November 26th, 2021!



    Pet Styles

    Pet Styles available through the Pet Styles Shop and Pet Skins Box!



    Available in the Store, the Autumn 2021 Furniture Boxes, and in the Autumn Carving Boxes!!
    Autumn Carving Box

    GoddessHailey likes this.
  2. it still gives me very ugly
    Hag likes this.
  3. Ty ty Tysm
    Now I can refer to people :)