😱Bring frankenpug hunt back Or do UnderWorld themed hunt😱

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AMBIA, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. Does anyone want ata to bring the frankenpug hunt back for Halloween?? (Same hunt I got this avi from, also includes Headless Horseman Avi and female Freddy avi) Or we could do an UnderWorld themed hunt. Just think, get hmmmm so many medallions (from the movie) and then they combine into idk, vials of wolfsbane? Maybe idk but the Avis would be Seline from the movie and her hybrid bf Michael?? (VIP) C'mon and maybe the other Avis would be the same just different colored outfits and hair?? Idk I just really love Underworld and kinda wasn't able to get the female Freddy avi. Let me know what y'all think. Maybe top 100 would be a straight up werewolf. Lmk in the comments below👇👇
    Sprout likes this.
  2. Mad fawkin support cuz I "no support"ed a thread before dis one, ya know like The Avatar I must bring balance to da world and shyt.
  3. YAS!!!
    AMBIA likes this.
  4. Idk what underworld is
  5. Underworld is a good series.

    What about a Blade themed hunt tho?
    AMBIA likes this.
  6. SUPPORT AF!!!
    AMBIA likes this.
  7. Look it up
  8. No u
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  9. Bringing frankenpugs back would decrease their worth, which is mostly due to its rarity bc of its age