UPDATE 🐱 Battle of the Hypnocats! 🐱

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Dec 27, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    The Hypnocats are going to WAR!
    Not actually.

    Sick of parties ending before you can even join? This experiment is for you!

    The Deets 😼

    There will be a second version of Cat Cafe - called Lofi Cat Cafe - available from January 29th to 31st, 2025.

    Lofi Cat Cafe will have a cap to the amount of damage you can deal per hit. This means that any damage you do to any bar will be capped to a maximum amount of 350. If you would deal 400, 450, 1,000,000-- it gets reduced to 350. However, if you were to do damage lower than 350, your damage would not change compared to your usual.

    Important: Lofi Cat Cafe is a *temporary* party, only available for a couple of days. This is a trial run as we experiment with ways to improve Cat Cafe and other parties.


    When is this happening?
    The test is only running from January 29th to 31st, 2025!

    How are the parties different?
    The normal Cat Cafe party will run the same as usual. The Lofi Cat Cafe party being tested will have a damage cap of 350.

    What about my Cash?
    No changes are being made to the amount of cash earned, just the damage being done. The amount of cash you earn and any rewards you get won't be affected by this change.

    Why are you doing this experiment?
    Over time as players have gotten stronger, they are doing more and more damage to parties. This means the duration of parties is shortening and the whole Club may not have a chance to participate.

    This is a test to see if we can help maintain a reasonable run time for Cat Cafe parties, especially in clubs with several strong players!

    I hate this test! I want the old Cat Cafe!
    The original Cat Cafe party hasn't gone anywhere. If you and your Club only want to run that version of the party, it's available!

    Is this permanent?
    No, this is a temporary trial and just one way we're investigating to improve the Party experience. After the trial, we'll review how things went, and of course we'd love to hear your feedback!

    Flawless Victory.

    PIMD Web Store

    😼Don't forget to stock up on your favorite felines!😼
    Check out the Xsolla Web Store for the best deals on Extra Credits, Hypnocats, and more!
    #1 ATAClaptrap, Dec 27, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  2. meow
    seems like a step in the right direction
  3. looking forward to trying this out fur sure 🐱
    CLxari likes this.
  4. I was lost

    I read it

    & I am still lost
    MamacltaDulce, Slyzz, Ande and 6 others like this.
  5. Interesting. Will this change hit # for Max plunder?
    OIive, Cryshtoon and Mipha like this.
  6. From my understanding this is just normal cat cafe with a flat damage for higher stats, like black cats and black dog star but without the promo, if that helps

    it will make your cats last a little bit longer and people will be able to get more hits in
  7. Oooo so lofi cat is like black cat cafe, interesting 🧎🏻‍♀️
    This seems like a really good replacement for cat cafe, hope it turns out well and becomes normalized
    iApothecary and stunnagirl like this.
  8. cute name for the parties 🌚
    Succulent likes this.
  9. Me excited because I thought battle car was back. 🚪🚶🏾‍♀️
    OIive likes this.
  10. The party description says huge cash payout, but this forum post says no cash changes are made. Which is it? Kinda important to know lmao
    OIive and Succulent like this.
  11. So no “huge cash payout”? 😶
    OIive likes this.
    OIive and Eros like this.
    Pls ignore im just a girl 😭

    my point stands i think its just mechanics no cash 😔
    Eros likes this.
  14. All ec parties note that there is a **huge cash payout** because they all have much higher payouts than regular non ec parties
    so you will find those notes on regular cats and dogs, kini has a **big cash payout**

    so no, there is no promo
  15. thought there was a promo, now that ik theres not back to our regularly scheduled programming 🏃🏽‍♀️💨
  16. Appreciate the efforts because ec parties are zooming faster and faster now that everyone’s bigger! Agree, good direction.
    that said, club still did a 7 min lofi cat tho 🥹😂
  17. Party flew quicker than normal 😂
  18. Parties still go fast.
    It now requires more hits, for the same cash per hit, for the same amount of drops.
    I feel like this is not solving a problem that didn't exist.

    Proposal: Make invites a permanent feature, and implement something more difficult to replace invites.

    We need a new tier of party above dog star, not to rework the existing.
    Taryness, Breadie, LeeJarrett and 2 others like this.
  19. Trial on a cat party when vday promo is coming up and people wants to save their cats? 🤔

    also would’ve been nice earning more cash or getting a few more drops since it’s supposed to be “harder” than regular cat 🤷🏻‍♀️
  20. I think you're missing the point, the cost is exactly the same as a regular cat party. The intention is to make it so more players can participate without the large stat players completing half a bar on a single unload. You still have the option to do the regular cat so if your club feels that is more appropriate, do that one.

    There is no benefit to doing this party unless you are trying to make cats take longer and the cost is the same so there shouldn't be any reward change.

    Also, since there is no benefit, theres no incentive to try it unless you specifically want longer cat parties, theres no reason you need to waste your cats before vday.