🐍Dorm Rating Contest🐍

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Draco212, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. Have faith that your dorm room is the best one out there? Well come and test out that theory by joining this contest!
    The will be 3 winners with 7 honorable mentions chosen from the 3 Judges, myself included :).
    Do you not have a 999 or working on completing a set?
    Your room does not need to be completed or a full set to win, so feel free to be creative and show off your interior design skills!
    Have more them one room designs you think are good? No problem! You can enter your alts as many times as you would like!
    Worried that you will just be wasting your items to enter? Most of the winnings are going back into the game for trivia and giveaways it cycles around!
    Think it might be to costly to join? The price to enter are a chibi worth or less and you can use any furni that you already own.

    So why wait? Click on my profile to read the Rules and enter fee for more information today and ask me any questions that you are still unclear of! Enjoy and good luck🐍
    Muschi likes this.