Initiating a War Guide

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jerk123123, May 13, 2013.

  1. Initiating a War Guide

    To declare war go to the club's page whom you wish to war and click the blue banner on top.

    you can only do this if the club is not currently participating in a party or war


    Then you will be taken to this screen. Here click the Declare War button


    Next you will be taken to this screen where you can select what kind of war you wish to have.

    A 12 hour war:

    An 24 hour war:

    Or a 48 hour war:

    when declaring the war you have the option of making it either a locked or unlocked roster. In a locked roster, once the war starts no new members may join the club


    You can also declare a war from your clubs page, click on the blue banner on your club page (you can only do this when not partying/warring). This will bring you to this page:


    Click on View Rivals. This will show you a list of clubs with a similar ranking as your club's. There you can choose a club to battle, and follow the above procedure to declare war.


    Happy Warring
  2.  STICKY!
  3. There's already a thread for this... Just saying 
  4. I thought so, but when i looked through the war section I couldnt find it
  5. That's true, but that doesn't matter. At least she took the time to make this forum. 
  6. Mags.. You're a familiar person... Too bad you don't know who I am 
  7. Who are you? you seem so very random
  8. Thanks spank!
  9. Do you remember the guy who used to joke and say you were mag?
  10. No problem. 
  11. I have a memory of you, but i forgot your name

    Ill ask you on your wall i dont want this off topic
  12. Didnt even know wars existed still
  13. You should make one on how to do a pwar!  I don't think that's been created yet.
  14. lol

    Im not 100% sure on how those work
  15.  Figure it out. 

    ~  Swerve
  16. D; Whatever you do don't teach people how to pwar!

    It's Phillip
  17. ◢◤  Doris and Gnossos ◥◣ ◥◣Looking for perm members ◢◤