Halloween Names

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *MASiFFECT (01), Oct 13, 2011.

  1. Simple Game.

    Come up with names relating to Halloween/Horror that you would use as your own.

    Try to make them funny.

    Model them after celebrities, PiMD players, whatever is common that people might know.

    How does Ashton_Butcher sound?


    Inspired by Little_Rogue.

    She would !
  2. Rihaunta??? -Rihanna
  3. Lady Garganchua ? -Lady Gaga
  4. Nicolas Rage.
  5. Harry potter- Harry potter 
  6. Billie Joe Arm's-gone -Billie Joe Armstrong

    Tre' Ghoul - Tre' Cool

    Mike Dirt - Mike Dirnt

    haha, Green Day..
  7. Britney_Speared
