Blue v Orange

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Blue v orange wars will be occurring throughout this hunt!! Just join the appropriate side!!

    Remember you can still win this hunt without even partying so let the party fairies do the work for you

    Keep an eye out in campus buzz and forums for upcoming color wars!!

    First one starts in just over an hour!!
  2. HELL YEAH! OrangeFTW
  3. ? guys. I wanna be a blunge side. ;) lemme be a outside hitter?
  4. I wish I was big still
  5. Just get 100 and let everyone else do the work :lol:
  6. Let's go BLUE!
  7. Yes!!!!
  8. Yeah!
  9. Genius idea legs .
  10. ?
  11. ORAAAANGE you glad I didn't say blue :lol:
  12. Team blue LETS GET IT
  13. I can't take credit...-_A_-Dami said it first. Josh and I just ran with it lol
  14. Ima be late I need at least 100 pledges to get ring
  15. Save me a spot on blue side
  16. Alpha should change our status' to #TeamOrange :lol: lets get an orange movement going
  17. I'm blue ?
  18. Let's go team orange!