Welcome to the RIFF-OFF the next big Forum Game! Well those of who have seen Pitch Perfect. The do a thing called the RIFF-OFF. Well in this game you will post the lyrics of one of your favorite songs and the last word you post the next person has to put that word first and do the song EXAMPLE Me- I WANT TO BE A BILLIONAIRE SO FREAKEN BAD.... Them- BAD BOYS, BAD BOYS, WHAT U GUNNA DO! WHAT U GUNNA DO WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU. Next person-YOU R MY SUNSHINE MY ONLY SUN SHINE U MAKE ME HAPPY WHEN SKYIES ARE... AND SO ON AND SO FORTH
I WILL START IT Beautiful girls all over the world I could be chasing but my time would be wasting they got nothing on YOU....
You be my part time baby white and gold singin blues has been gettin old you can be my full time baby hot or cold