No I don't Mean PIMD jobs I mean real life jobs What do some of you magical people do? How long have you worked Do you like your job Do you like your coworkers ? I currently am working part time at an old folks home. I work there because old people are adorable! It's been about a year, and my coworkers are ok
I'm in college so like yeah aha I work part time too at my schools campus coffee shop usually where I am most late nights after my full day aha
I work as a turkey mater.. I masterbate male turkeys collect the semen then impregnate female turkeys. It's an alright job most of us make 10 bucks an hour. I enjoy my job for the most part
Ace you are just like my brother he is an Engineer aNd a student tooo King that's sounds like a blast ?
I like getting off campus haha I almost got that job bagging things but they said they need a full timer not a part timer
I'm a stay at home mom. I work 365 days a yr. 366 On leap year. I get no vacation, sick days or weekends. I run errands, fix booboos, punish and reward. I coach, counsil, and the dreaded homework. I get paid everyday in hugs kisses and complaints. I have restless nights and interupted sleep. Personally I think I have the absolute best job in the world. And count my blessings each day for being lucky enough to have the "job" I have.