Mags For Sale

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by QueenLaQueefah, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. I am here to sell -Sin-Sweet-Mags-Oh-Gee- !!! You can have her exclusively or not, your choice! She goes to the highest bidder! Pay up front for best time......which will be provided by her

    She is available nightly....

    I will start the bidding off with $1 
  2. She whined when I hit her. No thanks
  3. I bet .000000000001
  4. 2 pennies
  5. You can't sell my wife!
  6. yes she can!!

    ......i was Mary's first
  7.  So far my bid is the highest 
  8. Fine, $1 and toilet paper. 
  9. Dev just bid 140
  10. 1M

    That's as far as I can go 

    I'm one broke man
  11. no his bid isnt real  his soon to be wife will come after him
  12. You used to share me with mary........so why cant u share me with him too?lol
  13. Wait…what? 
  14. Because you are no longer mine so I wouldnt be sharing 
  15. 100b!?!
    Thats more like it
  16. But since I need a profit I will get rid of her for 101