Wiggle Wiggle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VT-RST_Ashy_RAWRRs_4_Dougy, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. So! I think there should be jello wrestling! Lots of jello wrestling!  Naked jello wrestling! And pudding!  cause pudding is delicious! And I think it would be super fun to roll around wrestling or wrastling in sticky jello . It's wiggly and colorful and makes everything sexy! If we had more jello and pudding wrestling people would be happier! Also I think marijuana should be vented through everyone's speaker on their phones.  because if everyone is high and has the munchies no one would be fighting!  WORLD PEACE!
  2. Lmao you forgot the cool whip!
  3. Eww puddinglike the rest though
  4. OMG cool whip!  Sarah come over we can roll around in ice cream and chocolate fudge together with whip cream 
  5. Pot makes me paranoid 
  6. ? ash u cheating on me! I thought that was our thing not a u and everyone thing 
  7. 0.0 there would be high fights man
  8. I'm a fiend for the green sticky leaves.. Support?


    "?COME AT ME"

    "Ladies first"

    *Farming goes on*

    *7 hour later it was just rainbow foot eating a rainbow taco*
  10. Ashy ? idk what to say but i like this post lol ?
  11. I jello wrestle in tc for bells already 
  12. Bump
  13. Spank... Tc jello wrestling
    I prefer red jello myself...
  14. Jello made wit vodka, pudding and pot.... sounds like my kind of nite,when do we start??