Hoollaaa... So I haven't written a story in quite a while now and all I seem to do, is so a couple of updates... And then scrap it... Whoopss. So I am determined to carry on with this one,.. Hope you enjoy! ________________ I hugged my knees tightly to my chest and sat on my double bed while looking out of the window.. It was a lovely day outside, I just chose not to go out and enjoy it. Today, just, wasn't the day. I had a perfect life, rich, famous, quite pretty... I had it all! Apart from one thing. You see, if you had read closely, you would see that.. There was one very important detail missing out of the prefect life that I had... Family. When I say Family I mean, well. My parents - always away on business doing they're spy stuff. Other family - None, as far as I know. Siblings - Non existent. So I was left with my maid/babysitter/friend/..alternative parents. Yes, that's how close I was to her.. I even considered calling her Mum at one point, but it seemed creepy. So, apart from that, everything was fine.. Looking out my window, and staying inside was a natural thing, since I didn't really like going out, and since I was home-schooled, and lived in a mansion.. No friends, really. Apart from the odd one or two which my mother and father disagreed on. It seems that my life was perfect, until you see what's behind closed doors, well.... Until Now.. ______________ I hope you like it! Now I am going to have a vote, simply because I don't know why you all prefer.. So.... ~Decision Time~ A) Add some supernatural stuff into it? or B) Keep it all human? You decide.
Update.. ____________ I basically had 4.. 4 friends. That of corse my parents didn't approve if, but my maid did. So when they were away (which was most of the time) I went out with them.. And they are; •Hope - She had blonde frizzy hair that was always up in a bun to keep it out of her delicate tanned face, and ice cold blue eyes that hypnotised you whenever you saw them, I was most likely closest to her.. We were in the same form, the same height, liked the same things.. ( apart from I like food, and she is just picky). •Macie - She had maple coloured hair and cute hazel eyes that I thought went extremely well with her light skin-tone and bubbly personality. She had just had a fringe put in which was a bit lop-sided but OK. And her hair, again, like Hope's was almost always swept back from her face into a high ponytail. •Hiedie - (Hi-Dee) She.. Well.. Was just weird, but still as funny as ever. She had dark brunette hair that was always dead straight and almost always cascading down her back. Brown eyes to match her hair colour and that sandy sort of skin tone.. It suited her well. Oh, and there there is me.. •Chelsea - I had light strawberry blonde hair with bleach blonde highlights that matched my ice blue eyes.. And d'you see that girl over there? With the rreeaallyy pale skin and looks sort of like a vampire? Yeah, that was me.. Could never get a tan.. And that was it really.. We all had bubbly and strange personality's but, I wish that I didn't have to hide all this from my parents.. Life would be much more easier.. _________________ I hope you liked it! That was just some descriptions of the characters! I am still waiting in on your votes to see if you want me to ass some supernatural bits