Forum Emoji's

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _MooCow, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. This is a list of the emoji's that are special to forums.

    Note: They only work on forums, Nothing else

    Here are a list of all of them:
    :) = :*)
    ;) = ;*)
    :D = :*D
    :p = :*p
    :| = :*|
    :( = :*(
    :cool: = :cool*:
    :x = :*x
    :geek: = :geek*:
    :ugeek: = :ugeek*:
    :?: = :?*:
    :idea: = :idea*:
    :!: = :!*:
    :arrow: = :arrow*:
    :roll: = :roll*:
    :lol: = :lol*:
    :oops: = :eek:ops*:
    :cry: = :cry*:
    :evil: = :evil*:
    :twisted: = :twisted*:
    :mrgreen: = :mrgreen*:
    :shock: = :shock*:
    :? = :*?
    :eek: = :*o

    Note! Take out the * for it to work.

    So that's 24 Forum Emoji's, I believe that's all of them. Remember take the * out.

    Oh and one special one:

    Have fun trying to figure it out ;)

    _Warrior's Official Helper
  2. The one under :D

    :p = :*P

    Sorry for the mistake 
  3. Oh god there's heaps of mistakes I'm going to post it again without the mistakes 
  4. I wanna try :roll: hopfully it works
  5. Yeah it did!!
  6. :plea:
  7. Can someone please delete this one also
  8. [​IMG]
  9. That's extremely annoying. Google time!
  10. :googleapparentlydoesntknoweverythinglol: