This is a list of the emoji's that are special to forums. Note: They only work on forums, Nothing else Here are a list of all of them: = :*) = ;*) = :*D = :*p :| = :*| = :*( = :cool*: :x = :*x :geek: = :geek*: :ugeek: = :ugeek*: :?: = :?*: :idea: = :idea*: :!: = :!*: :arrow: = :arrow*: :roll: = :roll*: :lol: = :lol*: = ops*: :cry: = :cry*: :evil: = :evil*: :twisted: = :twisted*: :mrgreen: = :mrgreen*: :shock: = :shock*: :? = :*? = :*o Note! Take out the * for it to work. So that's 24 Forum Emoji's, I believe that's all of them. Remember take the * out. Oh and one special one: Have fun trying to figure it out -MilkShake- _Warrior's Official Helper