Discussion in 'Wars' started by 2-INSIDIOUS-2, May 7, 2013.

  1. RS_IMNOTHUMAN is not my alt, idk why he/she stole my username. But they will pay. RS_Jetboy is NOT RS_Jetboy------ idk why all these fake alts are being made mocking us from RS, idk if these impostors are trying to steal fame or w/e, but if they ask for $$$ please inform the same nams look-a-like because I don't have a problem with Rising Starbut please inform us when you find an imposter that stole your Club Tag.
  2. His last post is on my wall he just reset but beware he might steal your user next
  3. Gosh , why is RS only being targeted
    Just like the incident before where the noob claimed to Pun and Holly , It's Stupid And shows they have no life
  4. I'd like to have people trying to make my name less liked than it is .__. It would be interesting to see.
  5. So.. Are they like going around claiming that they're your alts?
  6. And besides, why don't you guys report them for impersonating you?
  7. Spanks he's not my alt, idk why RS is being targeted either but this is the 2nd time. First it was JetBoy now it's Me must be a connect, out of all the pimd clubs why RS???
  8. Ill have an imposter rage tomorrow
  9. I know they aren't, but are they saying they are?
  10. While I had my username as x_J0P0_x I saw on campus some person with a girl avatar and s/he was like "I LOVE YOU JOPO!! " with a x_JOPO_x username. lol
  11.  she might have been stalking you secret admirer
  12. psh i would LOVE an imposter

    must be named Dr_Ned

    must like chocolate

    must follow me
  13. I had one of those at one point.
    She was farming a friend of mine, and i farmed her back
    But then she took my name. I was -_DirtyMartini_- and she completely took it also. -_d1rtymart1n1_-
    She then reset and went on to copy a legion member.
  14. This is so weird I find lots of Anya's but there not importers its just a commen name
  15. Bcs_warking

    Just saw him post. 5kcs i think
  16. Yep. The wannabe Zach
  17. MUAHAHAAH I stole this name -.- CHARLIE SCENE i just added the s muahahaha
  18. anya do you remember the one that tried to be me back bwc days? people are crazy.
  19. I remember back when I was MattHuot in 2011 I had someone who hated me enough to make an account named MattHuot-is-a-snitch. But it was awkward because instead of spelling my name MattHuot, the person spelled it MattHout. 