Look at this!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), Oct 5, 2011.

  1. I'm too epic to handle

    Sit back and enjoy



  2.  lol how did you come across this person?
  3. I needed a mod. I shouted in campus.

    Now he's doing the 'My bro did it' excuse
  4. Anyway he is silenced now.
    minutes ago.

    Kibbey has been silenced for 24 hours.

    - ♥ ᏝᎪ' ᏰᎬᏝᏝ
  5.  to epic 
  6. thats pretty funny... epically funny? 
  7. Epically awesome 

    ι★ᏝᎪ' ᏰᎬᏝᏝᎬ
  8. I looked at his awards, he has the Active for 3 days award.  there's no way he can be a mod
  9. "the bro did it" excuse? Get him
    Silenced for being a bad liar too 
  10. 

    NOOBS 

    Issac 
  11.  awesome epic
  12.  iv had 'it was my bro' once. She said something and my club had a go at her...... She said sorry my bro is so annoying!!
  13. The infamous " it was my _____" excuse, is anyone else tired of that excuse 