
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Goldialocks, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. OMFG!

    All my haters are so kawaii! And hun, what comes around does go around.  That's usually called karma. Unfortunately for you, I enjoy my silences. That way, I do not need to answer all my damn messages. ;n;

    Not to mention I've got a trusty mudkeipz to entertain me. 8(

    I deserve this silence because it was just. Don't bomb my inbox. D:

    Now that's goin' away, I'm here to tell y'all I'm going on Chinese New Year holiday for awhile. Hopefully more than a week since this damn addiction makes me sick. But if you're unlucky, it would be about three days. I've just got to throw my phone inside the bathtub. </3

    No pal.
    No PIMD.
    No nothing. </3

    Nobody can contact me<3

    Except MORDICI of course rofl.


    I so wanted this to be a useless thread. Semi-useless seems acceptable though. Sadly, I've already made three threads ranting about racism.

    I'm asian. Is there a problem? I do not talk "lai' deez! Me wan' dimsam!"

    Obviously. So if you want to impersonate us, do it in a non-stereotype and non-pathetic way. We don't like dimsum. WE WANT ULTIMATE DUMPING HOTPOT. <3

    It's tiring how I have to see these pathetic lowlives entertain themselves with crude humor. Oh wow.

    It's like watching Jersey Shore and Sex and the City retuns together. *shudders*

    You heard me! I like MILD racist stereotyping jokes. It can be funny sometimes. But when you mimic and mock our accent and looks, no. Just no.

    Yes, we have beautiful slanted eyes that can see our entire surrounding. Yes, we understand if you're healous and exaggerate our features by making us squint while we read...

    Note how some Japanese models have big eyes that are glamerous? No? Get your facts right.

    Just speakin' out for my fellow asians out there<3

    Racism. Get over it.

    Next time you think you're superior to another race, check wikipedia. Without us asians, you wouldn't have modern tech and robots. Not to mention sexy looking females with incredible voices and music that makes you swoon<3

    We're equals bro<3


    Now excuse me. I have to pack my crap up and visit mai grannai<3


    Ahh... I can never get over that monstah.

  2. Oh Lord. I need to visit China and get this device repaired... e.o
  3. Japanese girls (the models) are, in my opinion, some of the prettiest ladies 

    First are the girls from Mexico  beautiful girls 

  4. Mhmm. Must agree on that^


    Shattered dreams...
  5. Those ones with the long light brown hair and the giant glittery eyes 

    I have a thing for Japanese girls. Idk. I just think they're very pretty.

    Haters gonna hate 

    Racist people = inferiority complex

  7. I'm addicted to asiandramas

    The guys are 
  8. <3

    Light brown hair!

    I think asians with blonde hair is just creepy. o.o
  9. IKR MOM?!

    ME LOVE<3
  10. Asian girls in general are pretty 

    Lots of Asian girls who posted on the picture thread were pretty. I guess it's just natural. Even if they're like 13 years old. Very pretty.

    (Notice I said Pretty, not Attractive. No-Pedo)
  11. -___(\) really alice?
  12. Lmao jopo
  13. It's cute 
  14. I have half a head there 
  15. SO CUTE<3

    I want one!
  16. Jopo, now I'm freaked out. o.o
  17. [​IMG]

    Better ?
  18. That's what you look like Cookie? Pictured you furry... And blue 