Ηεllo forums , are u in a club (Surgo) would u like ur tutor gone? I know you all said Yes. Well buy flames Package of sickness. Made from the Worst Surgo diseases , Order now and guess what Person In Audience: What ,What It's all cheap Crowd: Wooooo we love cheap Of coarse You do Μακε sure they don't catch u buying from us. Not only do I make money but u make money too Yes when ever ur sick ur club members will do anything for you(It's works believe me ) and here are some of our costumers. Kris Υεs its all true I mean look at me I'm rich as fill in the blank . Κris: *coug* guys I'm really sick and mine Tuts are bothering me I can't get anysleep. Club idiot : What can we do to help(told ya) Kris: can u hire mine Tuts, oh I'm soo sick so ordo now our lines are open 1800pixksurgo (it's was funnier in mine head) Thank you
are u gonna Make another things not to do . I waas gonna Make this title things to do when ur sick
Κris: after u healed I got sick mine time to play some-people *cough I think I'm dying Plz volley me to 200b mine last wish so I can heal Nicole Ikr make it Flacoius