Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CheekyChloe (01), Dec 28, 2011.


    iPhone overuse. My iPhone kinda burned. Along with the sim card.

    IT'S BURRRNNNEEEEDD. It'll take maybe a week or so, and I think my Christmas plans and perfect little mudkeep pictures will sizzle away as well.

    As for this account, farm away!

    FYI I will not accept people calling me a cunt on my wall. 

    So for everybody's wait, I decided to burn the pokéderp orders and do this instead.

    Poké... mon. Pocket monsters. >:I


    Obviously I haven't been taking my medication so excuse me for my rashness. I'm freakin' out like a raichu eating a pikachu.

    FYI I'm thinking that my other account will be erased because of the phone's insides being sizzled.

    So... I guess I do have to choose a new name... D:

    Let's just hope my phone can pull through. I can't imagine my intestines being inflamed. That would be bloody, and disgusting. Not to mention disturbing. D:
  2. 
  3. I hope for the best for your account. I really like your drawings, Your very talented :D
  4. Thanks Cherry. XD I'm obsessed with pokémon... It's like I can't live without it. I'm actually collecting all the mini figures... OBSESSION.

    But my stepdad said that the data will burn as well and that if I do get it fixed... OMFG. D:
  5. Oh well. Happy playing guys, I'll come back as "SentimentalHomicide" or something similar.

    BTW... Keep Matt away from caffeine. He gets desperate. 
  6. SentimentalHomicide.... In case u use a diff username post on ur old wall 

  8. I'm going emotional rofl.

    Not to mention my readers are neglecting my writing. 
  9. BTW... i'm seeing noobs taking control of forums. Is this the online apocalypse, or am I just hypervenilating? 
  10. It's the online apocalypse 
  11. Your a good drawer
  12. The account is saved based on your UDID, which is saved on the server. No account loss.
  13. Quickly transfer 

    I no want Rawr to be gone 
  14. I'll miss u Chloeeven though u don't know me
  15. Pokemon!!!
    i adore pokemon if u haven't noticed, Chloe return quickly/good luck with ur account
  16. Rofl thanks guys. o_O

    But it's just that my other phone might be a hollow shell since burned things can't be replenished. I have no fuckin idea what I just said.

    So to satisfy my obsession, I'm using this iPhone and drawing pretty pretty mudkeips.


    ... did I mention you can farm the fuckin' hell outta this account?


    BTW, anybody wanna trade a LVL 100 shiny milotic for a shiny LVL above 50 shiny Chandelure? D:

  17. Sezza, I have SHORT term memory loss. Not long term.

    GIMME A HUG! *glomps*
  18. Glenn, AMFG CALL THE FBI! 

  19. I'll trade you my...


    Ima go look for my Pokemon Black ._.