OHHH SHIT! iPhone overuse. My iPhone kinda burned. Along with the sim card. IT'S BURRRNNNEEEEDD. It'll take maybe a week or so, and I think my Christmas plans and perfect little mudkeep pictures will sizzle away as well. As for this account, farm away! FYI I will not accept people calling me a cunt on my wall. So for everybody's wait, I decided to burn the pokéderp orders and do this instead. Poké... mon. Pocket monsters. >:I Obviously I haven't been taking my medication so excuse me for my rashness. I'm freakin' out like a raichu eating a pikachu. FYI I'm thinking that my other account will be erased because of the phone's insides being sizzled. So... I guess I do have to choose a new name... D: Let's just hope my phone can pull through. I can't imagine my intestines being inflamed. That would be bloody, and disgusting. Not to mention disturbing. D:
Thanks Cherry. XD I'm obsessed with pokémon... It's like I can't live without it. I'm actually collecting all the mini figures... OBSESSION. But my stepdad said that the data will burn as well and that if I do get it fixed... OMFG. D:
Oh well. Happy playing guys, I'll come back as "SentimentalHomicide" or something similar. BTW... Keep Matt away from caffeine. He gets desperate.
BTW... i'm seeing noobs taking control of forums. Is this the online apocalypse, or am I just hypervenilating?
Rofl thanks guys. But it's just that my other phone might be a hollow shell since burned things can't be replenished. I have no fuckin idea what I just said. So to satisfy my obsession, I'm using this iPhone and drawing pretty pretty mudkeips. POKÉMON! ... did I mention you can farm the fuckin' hell outta this account? BTW, anybody wanna trade a LVL 100 shiny milotic for a shiny LVL above 50 shiny Chandelure? D: GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL.