I'm unfollowing EVERYONE. I'm changing my name too. When I get online every now and then, I'll mess with people I know. just a warning to all my friends. I will intend on making you angry. I'll miss most of you. And if you dont know me cuz of my name; my old name was l_---lP_lA_lN_lD_lA---_l Good luck to you all. see ya when I see ya!
Oh and panda don't steal my pink hearts I'm using green now though.. Going back to pink tomorrow though So stop it
You know we could tell who you are cuz you would be on our unfold list right? Plus you would be the only one on mine! you didn't think this all the way through huh? Plus this thread would be bumped and your old name would be on the .... By: your username And when you click on it your new name would be up top!! sorry to break it to you