Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *GrimReaper187 (01), Oct 30, 2011.

  1. Sooooo I guess I'll write it here! 
    It's ixi___FBI___ixi birthday today! 
    Go on his wall and wish him a happy birthday and a beautiful day!

    P.S.  three underscores

  2. WOO HOO! It's Maton's birthday right? o.o

    Anyhoot, I'm close to running out of speakers...I used to have 100 something...
  3. Whoa. Hehe and Yeah it's his bday! 
  4. Happy bday Maton
  5. forum space waster
  6. Hey Pooper! Get off of here!
  7. My s to Marton:

    A hooker
    Some wall SPAM
    A big hug
    s to use as you wish
    A copy of the song Birthday Sex

     Enjoy your gifts

    Just not too muchO.O
  8. nub cake? 
  9.  he'll appreciate it fox