Discussion in 'Wars' started by GrandMaster-Dan, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. I just hit my head really hard and this is the first thing I see. My head is throbbing really badly too Who am I? What do I do on this thing?
  2. You give Morrissey boy all your money!
  3. Who are you?  What button does that?
  4. Ur my wife
    make love to.me
  5. I feel like this is a sham
  6.  sham bickity bickity boom?
  7. But I am a guy last I checked person with long name.
  8. ? wakka wakka
  9. DAN!!!!!! MAKE CJS AN ADMIN!!!!!
  10. CaptainJackSparrow
  11. You unblock me so i can spam your wall
  12. I wanna visit the ancients tomorrow, and your Dan alts as the only admins makes it hard to recruit.
  13. How do I do that? 
  14. o_O go to my profile scroll to the bottom and find the big button that says unblock. Press is and wall me your favorite cookie. Ill wall back with mine.
  15. What if I am to say Alice if your wish were granted this morning?
  16. Ehhh... you are all boring. Time to be myself 

    Alice, I gave CJS admin 15 hours ago.
  17. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK DANNY 