Welcome to... Oreo's News - The Oreo Inside of You (2nd Issue) Main PIMD News Recently, the Boop vs. Gozi war has broken the PIMD record for the most plunder in a single 24 hour war! Team Gozi, with a mind-boggling $74.9 billion plunder, defeated Team Boop, with a smashing $74.4 billion plunder! Congratulations to all that participated! TERROR-LoNeRtisM is the new number 1 strongest player of PIMD! Congratulations! Club VIP has won 84 wars, the highest number in PIMD history! They're still winning more to keep the number 2 spot, The Falcons Nest (with 65 wins), from becoming number 1. Kaitoh, the newest addition to the moderator family, is doing a fantastic job! People are saying that she's one of the funniest, coolest mods! Good luck with being a mod, Kaitoh! Forums Report PWND_CROSSF1RE has gotten extremely sick and won't be as active Go to his thread and tell him to get well soon! Simply_Fox's story, Give the Devil a Call, has attracted many users! Go check it out! Mature_Unicorn's second rap competition has ended and the results are in! Congratulations to mitchel1998 with his rap "G Dawg!" SensualPie's "Red Rose" has been one of the most popular Fan Fiction stories. As a sequel to everyone's favorite story, Blood on the Ice, Rose is now in a mental institute, and needs to survive with new love, new friends, and new enemies. World News Kim Jong il, dictator of North Korea has died from a heart attack! He was 69...heh heh The congressional impasse over extending the payroll tax cut became a showdown Tuesday between President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner. NASA scientists announced the discovery of two Earth-sized planets, named Kepler 20E and 20F, discovered by the Kepler space telescope team. Sports Section For the first time in seven days, each of which I spent in Denver because of Tim Tebow's polarizing impact on the NFL, the Broncos' quarterback and I finally had the chance to exchange more than the daily salutations I'd come to expect from the overbearing nature of Tebowmania. Earlier, Tebow's performance on the field wasn't solid enough to overcome 3 second-quarter turnovers. He made some nice throws, and he looks to be improving, but not even a fourth-quarter touchdown drive was enough to spark another win - not with a high-powered offense like the Patriots' on the opposing sideline Sunday. Story credit to The-_-One Interviews This time, I interviewed 00_Slim and a well-known forumer, TheBadBoy. I didn't know either of them well, and I'm really glad I got the chance to interview them! BadBoy's Interview 1. Who is your favorite moderator on PIMD? Why? I'd say OliviaAnna, because she seems like a nice person and gets on forums a lot more than the other mods, from what I observe. 2. What is one of your funniest memories of PIMD? Attending Webboo's farewell party around last month, after he had announced he was leaving. That was some crazy party! He eventually returned though, but as many know, he left again 3. What made you want to become an active forumer? I first discovered forums in September, and found so many interesting threads. These prompted me to look around forums regularly - initially just went on forums few times a week but eventually started going to forums everyday. It was good though, made many friends through forums. 4. Do you think that forums are dying? What can we do to stop them from dying? I can't judge, because I wasn't an early generation player, but in my opinion I don't think forums are dying. We've got iEx, Cookie Monster and all those other cool guys. The early forumers might have made more interesting threads, but I wasn't around to see them, so I can't tell. 5. Who is your favorite forumer? Why? Webboo and iEx - Webboo for his awesome threads, and iEx because he is extremely entertaining Slim's Interview 1. What do you feel is your biggest achievement on PIMD? Why? Getting into Club A51 because it is a very good reputational club and is a famous vip club. 2. Who is your PIMD crush? Phia-D-Doll (SophieClair) 3. What is one moment on PIMD that you will never forget? When I made my first billion. 4. Who do you think deserves to be a mod that isn't one? Why? I think that _Warrior needs to become mod cause he helped out the community a bunch. 5. What are some things you love about your club, Distant Society? Advertisements Awesomemandy says: Participate in Mod Appreciation Day, coming up on December 25! Check put my thread! Special Thanks 00_Slim and TheBadBoy for being great interviewees, and lending me their time to interview them Awesomemandy - Reporter 00_Scuba_Miaa - Reporter MusicClaw - Reporter Barbiepantsgirl - Reporter Audreyp - Reporter Fancy_Mia - Interviewer The-_-One - Sports Reporter If you would like to be interviewed for the next issue, of Oreo's News, coming out Thursday, wall me! All advertisements are free! If you would like to place an advertisement in the next issue of Oreo's News, wall me! Thank you to all my little Oreos! (My workers and readers)
I GIVE U 50 TRILLION HANDS OREO and ur tasty CUX WHO DOESNT LOVE OREOS? :lol: IM A DUNKER (not a stuffing eater yuck!) :lol: :lol:
I'm gonna start a story on off-topic since Fan fic is filled with rp can you include it in your news letter tomorrow?