Dr Martin Luther King

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x_Irritable_Vowel_Syndrome_x, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Poop had a dream and now he can't see forums.


  2. Are you serious? Poop had a dream to be flushed down the toilet one day! Now he has a dream to be freed from the sewers of injustice! Free poop
  3. 
  4. Couldn't have said it better myself Siren. Free Poop
  5. Iwonteatcatpoop is the 
  6. FREE HIM and TTT
  7.  they delete but  is too awesome to keep down!
  8. If they delete any more  they are gonna get bad constipation 
  9. 
    Free 
    Poop 
  11. signed
  12. FREE POOP


    1) Just like me, he says it how it is! He'd rather tell u straight up than beat around the bush

    2) He's a wise crack! Gives ppl  and is one to take it 2 (no flying turds please)

    3) He helps ppl, the PIMD community and he's built his club from scratch!

    4) His username is hilarious! here,  there,  bloody everywhere!

    5) He'll call u out on anything if ur an idiot.. If he's an idiot, it's coz he let u take a cheap shot 

    6) I've ran out of more to say but the  head's helped me so here's me returning ur  back to ya!
  13. I'm a  supporter!!!
  14. TTT  all day very day!!!!