The Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Adictiva, May 4, 2013.

  1. Haha I hear a lot of people don't like me cause of my threads! Well guess what I don't really care!! Mad cause I'm forums famous!! Well yea this is a pretty nice thread continue to hate on!!!

  2. I Like you :) (not in that sense though)
  3. I don't even know who you are
  4. Nice name
  5. Noob post? Say what
  6. yea I am a noob so what I guess you never was a noob were you
  7. Maybe. Maybe i was godlike from the first
  8. This noob will still beat your ass anyday
  9. Can't say I know who you or or care enough not to like you.
  10. You are on my friends list. Therefore.... Continue Posting!!!!!