Rate the persons persons status above you 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lostguy2k11, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Yeah basically what the title says.


    1 being rubbish
    10 being amazing

    Rate the status on font, creativity etc


  2. 8....for the joy of Halloween.
  3. 8? Because I don't know you
  4. 5 because I have no clue what it's suppose to mean
  5. awe yus  10
  6. @ Marsh ?
  7. It's not fair lol I can't choose mine -_-
  8. 10 ?
    my status has meaning! ?
  9. ^ doesn't know how to play
  10. teach me pls
  11. You rate the persons above your status not your own (=
  12. I did 
    the bottom response was at James
  13. 0

    I'm not gonna bother checking them
  14. Oh
    Fucking bedtime lll