 air water fire

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Legendary_, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Rock paper sciccors is so 2 nd page forum now it's air water ,fire
    Air wins fire
    Water wins fire
    Fire wins air

    Dnt argue with rules they are what they are
    What do u choose
  2. I choose earth
  3. Obviously i choose poison. Poisonous air trumps normal air, poisoned water kills the fishies and flammable chemicals are poisonous and make big fires
  4. Wait wtf beats water?!?!
  5. I use avatar: air bender the rest
  6. Shhh dude cmon it's late I did this in 2 minutes
  7. Ok change of rules  shell

    Shell beats water and fire beats shell
  8. Fire can't beat shell it gets hot but won't destroy it
  9. Then i pick weed water make weed grow air keep weed fresh put weed inna shell and smoke it wif fire jk
  10. Change fire to  water can stop explosion and explosion destroys shell/rock
  11. It's 5 am and all of you trolling don't make me come bak out here
  12. Well something is making you come back and it isnt Fonz
    Water beats fire
    Fire beats air
    Air beats water
  14. U cant burn air its only like 2% flammable and u cant beat water with air no matter how u look at it
  15. Yea if air is poisonous it poisons water therefore water is dead done ur statement invalid
  16. Trees kill wood and plants therefore no oxygen therefore no air
  17. Then its not air. Its poisonous gas. Therefore ur statement is an idiot.
  18. Ok uve removed 2% of air. Now what?