Isaac is bored #3 Name change

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), Sep 7, 2011.

  1. I finally got 20 credits. Once again I need a suggestion for my new name without A51 in it.
    Please help me


    Suggestion please
  2. iIsaac

  3. Hopefully it doesn't have epic in it
  4. That's a dumb suggestion, please disregard.

  5. EpicIssacIsCool.

    Does that work? :3
  6. You stole my name firstYou should change.

    The Epic Helper
  7. I still want epic in it.

    Any cool ones?

  8. EpicIsaacDoesTheChaCha

  9. EpiclyCoolness
    Throwing out ideas
  10. EPIsaaC

  11. Not bad.

    I still can't think of anything behind

  12. CursedWithEpicness
  13. Now you taking Warriors signature
  14. Yeah take EpiclyCursed
  15. Break it up you two :roll: its annoying ISAAC
  16. EpicallyFalling
  17. I need something to add behind it lol
  18. EpicIsaac(the imposter) leave the thread, no one likes your stupid Ideas and comments