Channel News PIMD #2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Hello all readers today I'm going to try something different,I'm going to post nonsense news,not all but there will be one real news try to find out which it is.
    Comment and tell me how I can improve it
    We get our information from top secret informants.
    Believing us is like believing that your secret informants do not check their Facebook when tailing someone.

    Today's daily PIMD
    Riots and Complains about random silencing in forums cause disruption to normal forumers.

    Daily news
    Liverpool kits upsets fans.
    Liverpool apparently chose the worst colours possible for their new away kit. It's colored white and cyan.Why?because blue is the colour of their rivals everton.
    Channel News PIMD will return after this commercials.

    Are you fat and can't slim down?Well try
    ______________________________Now returning to Channel News PIMD

    Welcome its time for,EPIC JOKE OF THE DAY
    Who was the worst golf player of all time?(Answer to be revealed soon)
    Music of the day
    Personally i think Mean by Taylor swift is nice,she makes her way into my music of the day.
    Thanks for all your support adios till tomorrow where I'll make episode 
  2. You never told us the answer to the previous newscasts joke 
  3. I did...It's 'So I won't be caught RED handed'
  4. RANDOM NEWS 2: In some parts of the world today is Saturday. In other parts of the world today is Friday. Random. Sass reporting.
  5. You should just put the answer in the next news cast. It'd be more helpful to us maybe 
  6.  um I posted because I saw you bump two times 
  7. I already wanna know the answer (;
  8. Alright the answer will be up in the next episode
  9. Bump :lol:

    Good newscast by the way 
  10. How do you do that moving laughing face?Thanks for all of your support.I'm so happy that I'm crying