Hello everyone so this is my story. I changed the title because it didn't fit well. I always loved writing and this is my first story on here! Constructive criticism only makes me better, so please leave it I tried a cliff hanger, but it won't really be that great until the story actually starts! Much love, Shannon xx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prologue: Throughout my childhood, I didn't realize what was so special about me. My parents argued constantly about me for a reason I didn't understand at the time and when I walked by, they would flash a fake smile and give me cookies. I would go to school every day and was always top in my class. At the time, it seemed stellar; by the time I was eight, I realized that there was something odd about me. My beautiful locks of curly, auburn hair turned into slick-straight strands of black hair. My once beautiful piercing green eyes became a light shade of gray with golden flecks. My tanned skin became olive. I thought it was a normal thing; I thought I was finally growing up. I thought everyone in my class would go through the same thing, but they didn't. As I finished elementary school, my parents began arguing more and more about me and how I was changing. I kept asking them why I was like this, but they wouldn't answer. They would say things like, "Sweetie, you're perfect just the way you are" and "You're beautiful". Maybe I was on the outside, but I didn't feel it inside. I felt like something was inside of me trying to escape the terror. When I was ten, I started having dreams, dreams of me running away from a mysterious person. When I'd wake up, the dream would be fuzzy, as well as their face. My body would be covered in sweat, and I would be breathing heavy like I was actually running. Every night would be the same dream; I hated going to sleep and I'd often pull all-nighters. School, for the most part was pretty great. I was popular, I had friends, but I wasn't allowed to get "too close". At least, that's the rule that my parents set for me. The fun didn't even begin yet; the story really starts now, when I'm twelve and when I'm about to first start dealing with the most serious topic a teenage girl could ever deal with...... BOYS... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second update should be coming soon thanks for reading
Oh! And I need names girls and boys! If you want your to be in it, wall me please the main character's name is already decided though.
Chapter 1 I groaned as I flipped my History textbook closed. The teacher just announced that we have a poster project on the Revolutionary War due in two weeks. It stinks being in all the advanced classes in school sometimes. I had an essay for English, a lab report for Science and a test in Math! Ugh. I wonder what eighth grade will be like. If it's any worse, I may want to shoot myself. "For this project, you will be assigned partners. Your work will be divided as shown on the rubric," Mrs. Murphy said with her monotone voice. Two of my best friends, Ivy and Dana were thankfully in this class and the three of us looked at each other anxiously to see if we were working together. "Dana, you will be working with.... Ivy," Mrs. Murphy stated. She continued pairing up people in my class until there was hardly anyone left, "Rosalie, there is an odd number of people in our class." "Mrs. Murphy," I said in my sweetest voice, "May I work with Ivy's group?" "Absolutely not," she stated firmly, "We are getting a transfer tomorrow, you can be his partner. He's new; please treat him with respect." The rest of the day was such a blur. I was too busy wondering who I'd be working with for the project. I don't usually trust new people with work, so maybe I'll be doing all the work. When I got home, I snacked on some Goldfish and went to my room to start my pile of homework and study. My parents got home late every night, so I was left to fend for myself. At around 12:30 AM, I finally gave a big yawn and fell asleep. "AAHHHHHHHH! AAAHHHHHH," I screamed. "Don't run away little child; I won't hurt you.." the voice hissed. I woke up, breathing heavy and sweating. I took a really long shower, put a few dabs of mascara, and got dressed. As I walked to school, the fall breeze seeped through the holes of my white, knitted sweater making my teeth chatter. "Hey, do you want my jacket?" I whip myself around and see a guy, probably a year or two older than me holding up his Hollister sweatshirt. I gulped. His brown hair was spike up in the front revealing his really nice blue eyes. I think he noticed me just awkwardly staring and said, "I mean, you're shivering. You can borrow it, if you want." "Uh thanks," I managed to croak out still a little star struck. I put the sweatshirt on and didn't want to take it off. I wore it all morning and when I got to History class, I was wearing it. My partner and I are finally going to do the project. I sat in my seat taking more notes into my notebook about the Battle of Gettysburg when I hear a familiar voice behind me, "Hey, nice sweatshirt, I wonder where you got it." I turn around to see who it was and I gulp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey everyone here's the update. It's a little boring now, but it'll be much better later. Who do you think it is?
Chapter 2 "H-hi Garrett," I smile nervously. Garrett Pindwoom was my crush since the beginning of this year; he was in two of my classes, one being History. "It's a little oversized for you though," he said, then realizing I was confused, "your sweatshirt I mean." "Oh! It's not mine, I borrowed it from...." I stopped mid sentence. I didn't even know the guy who gave it to me. "From me," the guy who gave me his sweatshirt walked to the desk next to me and sat down. HE'S MY PARTNER?! "Oh I see," Garrett said blushing, "Rosalie, can I ask you-" "Garrett," a voice snapped. We looked over and saw Priscilla with her arms crossed. Ahh. Priscilla de Florencia, I haven't mentioned her have I? She's every single bit of snob you could ever meet. Snobby, prissy, perfect, smart, rich, everything. The only word I didn't use was pretty, and that's because of her huge, pointy, witch nose. She always got her ways; she despises me for some odd reason, but my friends just think she's jealous. "Coming Priscilla! I'll talk to you later, Rosalie," he said quickly before running off. "I see you're liking my sweatshirt," my partner smirked. "So you're the transfer student huh," I asked. "Yeah, I move around a lot," he ran a hand through his spiked hair. "Rosey! Omg, you won't believe.. WOAH," Dana came up to table and looked at my partner, "Hi, I'm Dana! What's your name?" "Noah, nice to meet you, Dana," he said awkwardly smiling. He knew she was admiring him. After class, she pulled me aside and grabbed my arm, "That new transfer guy is so hot! You're so lucky you get to work with him!" "I guess so; he's alright," I responded still wearing his jacket. I couldn't help but notice Garrett running toward us and Noah watching from his locker. "Hey Dana! Hi Rose," he said blushingly, "Rose, could I talk to you for a second?" "I'll leave you two," Dana said quickly and winking. "Hey Rosalie." "Hi Garrett." "I know we don't talk that much," he started nervously, "but do you want to be my... girlfriend?" I nearly choked. Garrett. Garrett Pindwoom wanted to be my.. BOYFRIEND? This was surreal. I couldn't answer. I was too excited to even say anything. "No, she will not go out with you," a voice said behind us. My face filled with anger. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We're any of you expecting this? No? Didn't think so. Who do you think it is?!