VIP Champagne Box: Combinable Avatars

Discussion in 'Guides' started by -iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa-, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. You get both, just like you can get the regular & vip avis for a hunt
    Voseph likes this.
  2. Bump for my friend
  3. Bump for someone
  4. anyone selling a royal indigo or fuchsia ribbon for cheap?
  5. Im selling indigo ribbon/bow and knots for fuchsia or bentos Wall/add me.
  6. Buying black and pink bush or swan or anything wall me out ♡♡♡
  7. Help me finding black and pink bush/swan Thanks ???
  8. Selling 3 pink clouds
  9. selling violet clouds, starry clouds, rainbow cloud & that unicorn thingy.
  10. Looking for black and pink roses, bouquets, bushes or swans?
  11. Selling pretty much anything in my showcase (within reason) for any variation of the rose pink clouds. I just want this dang avatar. Wall me if you see anything you want to trade in my showcase.
  12. I’m selling both the ribbons and a bow for super cheap
  13. SELLING VIP COMBINED BOW CHEAP ADD ME!!!  Also selling ribbons and roses!!!
  14. selling indigo ribbons wall me an offer if you're interested ?
  15. Selling Indigo & Fuchsia knots wmo!
  16. Selling Rainbow Pink Cloud-15