Re: VIP Rose Info You actually need 120 of one rose which will cost you about $170+ if you are lucky
Re: VIP Rose Info 60 roses for 1 ava. 5 make a bouquet, 3 bouquet make a bush = 15 roses.. Need 2 bush to make a swan = 30 roses.. Need 2 swans to make ava = 60 roses.
Re: VIP Rose Info Depends. If you're just getting roses from the VIP deal, then it'd be about 80$ for one avi and you'd have to swap all roses for 1 colour. Alternitively, if you spent 120$ on the bag avatars (black friday and valentines day), you could've gotten an avatar with 70%/70% stats which is better than these 60%/60% stats. It does cost more for the bag avis but they are higher stats and you get them immediately instead of having to wait 4 weeks to get all the roses. Many people enjoy the design of these avis or just enjoy collecting all the avatars they can get or can't afford to spend on the game so they are buying roses with bentos.... Ultimately it's up to personal preference