Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Druantia, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. Hey! I made this forum for all the people who want somewhere to practice typing in color! So have fun! Spam this forum :p
    Lol I suck at typing in color! So I'll be practicing too!

    Btw, Umm Julian if you read this I love you!
  2. hmm is this a colour??
  3. hmm i guess it is a colour u can use!!
  4. How in the world do you type in bloody colors, Britty? I'd like to know.
  5. Pleaseeeee work
  6. Come to pm and I'll show you Tiffy!
  7. [color=light green] i can do colour and size!! [/color]
  8. HELLO  TIFF who thinks I'm not Charlie  Lol I can do 3 different colours and sizes hahaha this is soooooo fun 
  9. fail i can do colour and size
  10. Hi forum!! i hope it works hi hi hi [\color] YOLO
  11. three colours yay
  13. HELLO  I love this it's so fun
    Wow this is a cool
    Forum thread it's so colourful... And
    BIG LOL 
  14. Hi ppl How r u Yolo
  15. That took ages lol
  16. I wasn't pointing to Ellie I was pointing to mine with the different colours and sizes