Jen's Anniversary War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sirj31, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. ? So, I hear that there's trouble with the family business, see? The old way of doin' things, with honor and respect, is being lost to these young punks the Tattaglia's. It's time to teach these kids a lesson. I'm gonna make them an offer they can't refuse.

    See, I've got this friend, lets call her J31 aka Jen . Shes been known to "whack a few" with her silencing stick, and is now celebrating her one year anniversary as a mod. And what does she love to do? You guessed it, war. On this, the day of my friends anniversary, what kind of man would I be to deprive her of such joy. It's time to settle this who's better than who business. Old School vs New School. Corleone's vs Tattaglia's.

    It's all about the details baby
    Date of War: June 20 - June 21
    Time of War: 11:30 am EST (New York time of course)

    Sign up Cut-off: June 18, 2013 8:00 pm EST

    Old School: Dec 2010-March 2012
    New School: April 2012-Present
    (Please note: These dates may be changed if the sides are too far unbalanced)

    No stripping of tutors before or during the war
    No outside hits
    What happens in war, stays in war

    Got questions? Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this as a gift on my dear friend's anniversary day. Contact one of the following players:
    -Sir-Nekkie-, Ahliedel-Loves-Mike98765, CrazyRed, Spiny, CourzyDiablo, or PE-BadKitty

    So leave your name and digits (Stats) after the beep, or you'll be sleeping with the fishes , see? Leave the gun , take the cannoli 
  2. I'm in 160 kcs
  3. 163kcs to be exact
  4. -SIN-Rosies_brother_Jakey-

    Hopefully 20kcs
  5. Yay jakeys coming he better be on my side
  6. 
  7. I'm in Old school

  8.  I guess that'd make me new school, see? 
  9. If i get to love spank Redzy. Im in, New school.

    212 kcs. ;) may ug by then
  10.  I'm in



    Congrats Jen
  11. I'm in old school.
    hm like 650kcs-700kcs
  12.  258 kcs!! Warrrr 
  13.  nek you left out an important information, what your class as old and new school? How many years we've played? Starting date?

    And congrats Jenn-n
  14. I might be new school. I don't know how to tell.
  15. Oh wow. Best war thread I've read in a long time.
  16. How do you know if you old school or new school?
  17.  Brit-TheSuperMightyMegaWarBabe

    KCS: 367

  18. Name above


    Sign me up. Not sure what you're classing as old/new Skool though.
  19. The old vs new school that was on about this time last year all players who started before November 2011 were old school and those December 2011 plus was new school, from memory any way
  20. April 2011, 