PIMD Wiffey

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ISneakerHeadTouchedTheBooty, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. color=#CC0000]I[/color] need a new PIMD wiffey
  2. color=#CC0000]I[/color] need a new PIMD wiffey
  3. Nice fail-rainbow..
  4. It keeps doing that no matter what
  5. whut? How many do you have? 
  6. ~Cυτέn姧
  7. That's how u do it
  8. Oh thanks devin ! :p
  9. It was actually d: as in a frowny face
  10. [color=#ccooo] dude will this work i bet it wont [/color]
  11. [color=#ccoooo] maybe now???? [/color]
  12. [color=#CCOOO] 3rd times the charm [color/]
  13. [color=#CCOOO] u no wat screw this bull crap [/color]
  14. Wow! It's the convention for failures! I need to run away!!!!!!