Music on Repeat

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---IllIV-Master_Yoda-VlIlI---, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. Have you ever had a song you just cannot quit listening to, whether it be to remarkable significance it has on you, the way it allows you to feel, or maybe just the tune catches ahold of you?

    That is me currently with:
    Set Fire to the Rain-Adele
  2. Dreams of an absolution-lee brotherton. 
  3. My vocaloid playlist.

  4. Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People.

    That song won't get out of my head! :lol: -

  5. Not to mention Lady Gaga youtube vid. I tend to dance and do inappropriate stuff on the dancing pole. 
  6. Who's laughing now - Jessie J