Bikini Count

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by That_Witch_BunBun, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Hey guys! How many bikini's do you have so far? I have 368, post your amounts here.
  2. All of them.
  3. I only see one green one when I look at my profile
  4. ^ I have a main. Duh.
  5. ZERO and staying that way! 
  6. Stop doing hunts, bring back warzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. Now they all collect during hunt, but when hunt is over you see threads like..

    "ATA No more hunts please"
    "Hunts are ruining pimd, bring back wars"

    Suck a thumb
  8. I want a new Avi, now off my thread thanks.