Cancer/Breast Cancer Awareness

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Couch_Violating_Panda-, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Many of you might not be aware but... October is breast cancer awareness month.

    My grandmother was diagnosed with thyroid and breast cancer a few years before she died last year in December.

    Cancer is a global problem that many innocent people have contracted due to one or maybe even several reasons including through genes.

    I am asking for the support of the PIMD community in asking the developers to allow us to donate to a cancer program that will help many people around the world.

    Everyone knows someone with cancer. Your tied to a person no matter what. A teacher, a classmate, a friend, and a family member. People spend ALOT of money in this game. It's just right to donate some of it.

    I would also like support from the moderators into getting this request looked at by developers. 

    Thanks everyone,

  2. Please take this seriously everyone.
  3. I have total respect for u panda
  4. Good work panda. I support this cause 
  5. Dude sorry bout ur grandmother my aunt has breast cancer as well hope this post gets locked

    Cyborg!! <(=_•)> rawr
  6. Ahh, how sweet i personally dont know anyone with breast cancer, but my aunt has leukemia, 6 years in remission, im sorry about your loss 
  7. Thank you everyone.

    Please spread this to your club members as well. I'm doing what I can to let the ones I know about this in PIMD. If you have a speaker to spare please feel free to post about this thread. Thank you 
  8. Breast cancer is a serious and dangerous disease. Hopefully one day it, along with other cancers, will be displaced.

    Men and women alike should be checked regularly. Men can develop breast cancer as well, and though they're less likely to develop, its a bit deadlier.
  9. It's true it happens. In the book "heaven is for real" the father thinks he may have breast cancer but then he doesn't

    Cyborg!! <(=_•)> rawr
  10. I am extremely for this. I really do recommend that people should donate the money. Or PIMD can make a special offer for the whole month of October when buying credits, such as having them donate during October for every pack of credits you purchase you donate "___" amount of money Towards cancer or something along the lines of those. Will need more thinking and brainstorming for a better idea. It could also be another reward to earn in the game.

    Post suggestions everyone!


  11. Or even just SOME of their proceeds go to a cancer charity. I'm nit wanting to take away money from the makers of PIMD, this is just the right thing to do.

    It's funny. I've never been more serious about this game until now.
  12. Btw, thank you wolf.

    Maddie 
  13. I agree but I don't.

    Helping rid the world of a terrible disease is good but pressuring ATA into donating to a breast cancer fund isn't right. It's their money and I think they get the choice of what to do with it.
  14.  Fully support 

    And I'm sorry for everyone who either has dealt with breast cancer themselves (if anyone on here has) or has had loved ones who were diagnosed or even passed away from it. My thoughts are with all of you.

    If something were to be set up, I would definitely donate. 
  15. Is this asking ATA to do ate or the players? That makes a difference.
  16. IExx, no where was anyone pressuring ATA. It's a thought and a suggestion.
  17. Panda

    Yes, PIMD should put money Towards something. It would be a good idea. There are a lot of people who spend hundreds on this game. Would be nice to put some of that cash towards something good not that you guys don't deserve the money for such an awesome and addicting game!

    Or for every person we suggest the game to and actually end up playing you guys should donate like a dollar to a cancer charity.

    And off topic: I suggest sales and special offers on certain holidays ( I know will differ from different parts of the world so that can be tough) when purchasing credits on this game. $4.99 can be changed to $3.99 for Halloween or christmas or other holdidays yes. Or free 10 extra credits on your birthday mine is October

    Anywho... Support Breast Cancer / Cancer Awareness please! 

  18. Save second base!! I support your cause panda 
  19.  Pabda bro good looking out! Sorry bout your grandma! I had a very good friend fight and survive it! Heres to those that have had to fight it' 

    Never forgotten but forever loved!